Dead Sea Scales: 5 missing notes
Whether you’re a beginner or advanced player, The 5 Missing Notes™ is the secret weapon that transforms complex music theory concepts into clear, actionable steps. Personal anecdotes and historical narratives accompany a unique roadmap of the guitar fretboard, demystifying music theory and making each page accessible and intuitive for students of all levels. This approach elevates your playing further and faster than ever before.
The objective of the Dead Sea Scales series is to provide clear explanations and practical exercises while fostering creativity. It ultimately guides students to be inspired and use their own voice. Learn how to find your “vibe” through a concrete understanding of the 12 intervals and how they, like us, resonate and relate differently depending on those around them. Each melodic landscape feels the way it does because of its notes and their relationships to others surrounding it, before it, and after it.
The infamous “secret patterns” floating around the internet often lack proper explanation, making them ineffective. This book teaches you how to deconstruct these patterns, empowering you to create original material for the next generation. Motivational insights and philosophical taglines permeate the pages, helping players stay the course and sustain the long-term commitment and discipline that being a musician requires.
By breaking down the fretboard into easy-to-digest diagrams, all the colors of the musical world become available on your creative palette. Imagine being able to take everything you've learned over nearly three decades and put it in the hands of your younger self. That's what I've done here—except now, I’m giving it to you.
Shred Ya Later,
Keep an eye out for these other titles coming soon:
Dead Sea Chords (the intervals approach to chord variations)
Dead Sea Scales for Bass (all images and concepts tailored specifically for the aspiring bassist)
Dead Sea Keys (all images and concepts tailored specifically for the aspiring pianist)
Rosetta Stone of Guitar (a pocket size how to repair manual for all guitarists and techs)
Book of Dean I & II (philosophical anecdotes to inspire and ensure discipline)
A Newbs Guide to Touring (what to do, and more importantly, what NOT to do on the road)
and many more…